Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sky Watch Friday 1

do you see a face?
these were taken at the weather service station at albany

This is just awesome. Pot of gold maybe?

Cell phone pictures taken from a variety of places this week shows the incredible variety of weather we have had in the northeast...


  1. Funny blog title :)
    Very cool first picture... the second one looks like the clouds are playing ball with a little round cloud...
    the third one looks like the ship from Independence Day! ...
    and I love the promise of the rainbow~
    *A wonderful weekend to you*

  2. Looks like you must have been sitting on the pot of gold! I see a face, a very spooky face.

  3. The tormented face was great and so were all the rest. I loved your soaking wet travelogue. It was so expressionistic.

  4. Lovely enveloping rainbow and I do like your touchy-feely shot with raindrops on your cell-phone.

  5. Yes I can definitely see a face ;-)

    great captures of your varying weather !!

  6. The rainbow stems from your windshield wiper! Very cool!
